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REsidential Services

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We care about each of our clients’ plights. If you come to us we will be by your side every step of the way. We understand how complex life can be and will make sure that you will be provided with the kind of therapy that your unique case needs. Oftentimes, it can be hard to target the root of the pain since it can be connected with several other factors like your genetic composition, past trauma, personality, socio-economic standing, and more. That is why we use our empathy and our therapy expertise to give you advanced strategies that will work for you.

Psychosocial & Pre-Vocational Rehabilitation

We provide psychosocial and vocational rehabilitation services and ongoing support. Psychosocial rehab services provide personal care services by focusing on and promoting independent living, social and communication skills, personal skill development, household management, healthy relationships, coping skills, intervention strategies, and budgeting. As everyone’s needs are different, we focus on individualized care to improve your mental and emotional health. Through testing, we can access your overall health needs, so you can get customized treatment you deserve to thrive. Pre-Vocational Rehabilitation. services focus on employment readiness, designed to assist an individual to effectively prepare for, and secure, gainful employment or other meaningful community activity (e.g., volunteer work). We provide GED preparation, resume writing, job researching assistance, and on the job support.

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Health and Wellness

We have a state of the art fitness center and we provide the services for an overall healthy lifestyle. We have services that will include health and wellness coaches, nutritional therapists, fitness trainers, planting gardens and learning to grow our own foods, cooking classes and helping each individual to live a more sustainable lifestyle. Sustainability provides a positive impact on 3 key areas.


Environment - Environmental sustainability means making choices that protect and conserve the earth’s natural resources, such as air, water, and land. It also means reducing pollution and waste.


Social/cultural - Social and cultural sustainability focuses on creating a just and equitable society where all people have the opportunity to reach their full potential. It includes supporting diversity, fighting discrimination, and promoting human rights.


Economic - Economic sustainability means creating an economy that meets the needs of current and future generations. This includes creating jobs, supporting businesses, and using resources in a way that doesn’t damage the environment.


This program is offered to our community which provides the tools needed for each individual’s future to prevent the risk of homelessness, reduce recidivism and relapse prevention. Our services will include financial skills education, life-skills coaching, parenting classes, workforce development, collaborating with the dept of labor and veterans affairs, housing navigation, referrals, and re-establishing basic needs to be a productive member of society. Such as Drivers license, State ID, Social Security, health insurance coverage, and bank accounts to name a few.

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​During a conversation with my son Zachary I asked him what the hardest part in new recovery was? Zach said the hardest part for him coming out of rehabilitation was struggling with how to regain everything he lost. And trying to deal with the stress and being able to cope with the real world at the same time. From not having any money to finding transportation to a new job or even being able to look for work. From losing his ID’s and how to regain them. From using substances from a young age and learning how to be an adult. From having bank accounts that were so overdrawn and how to fix them. To have a vehicle but your car payments are so far behind and you have no car insurance. To find a sober living but not having a down payment/weekly rent or food to buy just to survive. He said sometimes it was easier to not want recovery instead of facing these issues. For my family we have been a support for Zachary but for many there is none. That’s where we at Zechariah are working to fill the gaps. These services are designed to help aid an individual by restoring, rebuilding, and restructuring lives with all the tools needed to sustain an independent lifestyle. Everyone needs to have support in life in order to succeed. Everyone deserves to find out their own self worth and to become an amazing new member of society.

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